Interior Formatting: Use Word to format a book for self-publishing: self-published author HAPruitt 

Описание к видео Interior Formatting: Use Word to format a book for self-publishing: self-published author HAPruitt 

Formatting a book can be tough, especially for self-published authors who format the interior of the book themselves. 

This video features guidance and a vlog of when I was formatting my self-published fantasy book Earth Quaking to shoe other authors how to use a Word document to format a novel for publishing.

To set margins and a gutter for your book: go to 38:39 minutes in.

1.  Type your manuscript into a Word document or download a template from KDP or a site that offers free templates.
 If you download a template, copy and paste the body text into it and worry about the front and back matter later.

2. Format the body text 
 Font: Use a serif font (Times New Roman) and choose a size that will be easy to read (12 pt).
Line spacing: 1.15
No pace before/after paragraphs
Drop cap: Click the insert tab, find "drop cap", open the box for more options, select "drop cap" , lines you want it to drop down (I chose 2), spacing between the drop cap and the rest of the text.
Create section breaks: Make each chapter a new section (not page breaks).  
When you use a KDP template, the last page of each chapter may be centered vertically on the page. Just put spaces after that paragraph to make it go up to the top of the page.

3. Format Headings 
Make sure to use a font people can easily read and fits with your genre. Once you choose a style and size, be consistent throughout the book.
My choice: Times New Roman, all caps, first letter of words: 20 point, other letters: 16 point
Placement: The section and chapter headings should sit at the same spot (or close if using illustrations). Generally, traditional publishers place headings between the top and middle of the page.

4. Headers and footers
 Make each chapter its own section
Unlink sections
Choose a different odd and even pages.
Choose different first page and make the first page of your chapter blank.
Header: Most books that are traditionally published use the book name and the chapter name on alternating pages. 
I used: center the header, all caps, 8 point for the 1st letter, 7 point for the rest of the letters

Insert a page number in the middle of the page.
Start the numbering on the first page of the first chapter. (Shown in vlog)
 Use Roman numerals for the front matter. I did this by unlinking each page in the front matter and typing in the appropriate page number.

5. Create Front Matter
Title page, title only (right hand page)
Blank page (left hand page) 
Title page, full information (right hand page) Copyright page: include general text (left hand page) 
Text: "All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means--electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, scanning, or other--except for brief quotations in critical reviews or articles, without the prior written permission of the publisher."
 Where was it published
Give credit to the cover designer and illustrator
"Publishers note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either products of the author's imagination or used fictitiously. All characters are fictional, and any similarity to people living or dead is purely coincidental."
 Include your ISBN numbers.
Table of contents (Right & possibly left hand pages) Use tabs to align the numbers. 
Dedication page: Italicize; place a little above the center (right hand page)
Amazon will insert a blank page so that chapter one is a right hand page. You do not need to insert a blank page.

6. Back Matter
 Back matter is totally optional. You could include an about the author section, an author's note, or a thank you section. Please remember to thank everyone who helped publish your book. 

7. Tips for inserting illustrations 
 Adjust the pictures (shadows, contrast, etc.) before you insert them into your document. Word document doesn't really have the greatest options for making changes to your illustrations.
 Use picture format to vertically position the pictures with the text above and below.
 Next, open the box that allows you to place the picture horizontally aligned centered with the column.
 Size: be as consistent as possible. (I used as close to 2.5 inches as possible)

Any other questions?

For more about HAPruitt and Anelthalien:
Instagram: @hapruitt
Facebook page: Anelthalien HAPruitt 
Goodreads: HAPruitt 

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