The Psychology of Psychonauts - Black Velvetopia

Описание к видео The Psychology of Psychonauts - Black Velvetopia

Good day everyone! Today we continue our Psychology of Psychonauts Series and move into the next world in the game. Every World in Psychonauts is based upon the Psyche of a Character in the story. As such the design and symbolism directly relate to what issues they are dealing with.

In this series, we will analyze each of these worlds and try to learn what we can about these people. For this video, Raz upstairs to find a man building a card castle and surrounded by painting supplies. Edgar Teglee is a man suffering from a Compulsion which makes him paint a Bull and Matadore on every piece of art he begins. As a result he displays bursts of rage as a result of his affliction. In order to understand the root of this Compulsion Raz will dive into Edgar's head and do some investigation.

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