Homemaking: Grass Fed Homemade Butter, Vintage Cookbooks, Gardening & Breakfast Muffins

Описание к видео Homemaking: Grass Fed Homemade Butter, Vintage Cookbooks, Gardening & Breakfast Muffins

It has been a busy season here on our farm! We have been raising 56 meat chickens that will be ready for processing in the coming weeks- Dave has caught two new swarms of bees (yay) and we added a Tamworth Boar to our family.
We are busy most days outside- but I still love to get in the kitchen and whip some things together.
We went thrifting at a Goodwill a couple weekends ago and I scored a beautiful vintage cookbook with over 2,000 amazing recipes inside! The best part- I only paid a dollar for it haha.
I hope you enjoy these lovely recipes that have passed down from generations (those are my most favorite recipes to find) when the cookbook has the name and where the person came from who submitted to recipe. They are such treasures.
It's been nice catching up- I hope y'all enjoy the video, let me know if you make the recipes- how your gardens are doing and what projects y'all are working on!


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