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Tailor Nour I will tell you a secret from the secrets of the profession. the magical way of sewing pleats.
An educational channel in the field of sewing in all its forms, including T-shirts, trousers, shirts, jackets and coats, and how
to sew models of sleeves, collars, ruffles and sewing dresses

4 Sewing Tips And Tricks
   • 🔑 4 Sewing Tips And Tricks ✂️  

Useful Sewing Hacks and Lovely 🤩 Easy Ways to Sewing Neck With Frill Women's
   • Useful Sewing Hacks and Lovely 🤩 Easy...  

Bowl Sleeves Sewing Techniques | Sewing Tips and Tricks for Beginners
   • Bowl Sleeves Sewing Techniques | Sewi...  

Great Information On Sewing That You Need To Know , Pintucks Neck Design Cutting and Stitching
   • Great Information On Sewing That You ...  






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