
Описание к видео 羅比找回聖誕的意義|短篇英文故事|中英字幕|聽故事學英語|英文學習

故事有提供中文和英文字幕供對照,影片最後有(副頻道的)中文版本可以點選:📚 羅比找回聖誕的意義

📖 一隻小老鼠羅比因為太渴望禮物,決定欺騙聖誕老人,拿走原本屬於朋友們的禮物。但當他看到朋友們雖然在聖誕樹下空空如也,卻依然展現出善良和堅強時,羅比意識到自己忘記了聖誕的真正精神。滿懷愧疚的他決心彌補過錯,最終發現聖誕的真正快樂源於分享、友誼和愛。
📖 A little rat named Robbie is so eager for gifts that he decides to trick Santa into giving him extra presents meant for his friends. But as he sees his friends’ kindness and resilience despite their empty Christmas trees, Robbie realizes he’s forgotten the true spirit of Christmas. Filled with remorse, he sets out to make things right, discovering that the real joy of Christmas is found in sharing, friendship, and love.

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