Sing to Jesus + Great Are You Lord | TCCI Worship

Описание к видео Sing to Jesus + Great Are You Lord | TCCI Worship

Sing to Jesus, led by TCCI Worship on January 15 Sunday Service.


Come and see, look on this mystery
The Lord of the universe, nailed to a tree
Christ our God, spilling His Holy blood
Bowing in anguish, His sacred head

Sing to Jesus, Lord of our shame
Lord of our sinful hearts, He is our great redeemer
Sing to Jesus, honor His name
Sing of His faithfulness, pouring His life out unto death

Come you weary and He will give you rest
Come you who mourn, lay on His breast
Christ who died, risen in Paradise
Giver of mercy, Giver of life

Sing to Jesus His is the throne throne
Now and forever He is the King of Heaven
Sing to Jesus, we are His own
Now and forever sing for the love our God has shown

Sing to Jesus, Lord of our shame
Lord of our sinful hearts
He is our great redeemer
Sing to Jesus, honor His name

Sing to Jesus His is the throne the throne
Now and forever He is the King of Heaven
Sing to Jesus, we are His own
Now and forever sing for the love our God has shown

#TCCI #SingToJesus #GreatAreYouLord
Connect with The Cross Church International
Email: [email protected]
Address: 246, Unjung-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea

How to join our service:
From Pangyo Station
1. North side of Pangyo Station
Bus #32, Nuri #3
6 to 7 minutes on foot after getting off at Pangyo Youth Training Center

2. East side of Pangyo Station
Bus 360, 340
7 to 8 minutes on foot after getting off at Pangyo Youth Training Center

3. Pangyo Station, Naksaeng Overpass, Hyundai Department Store
Bus 340, 103, 360, 341
5 to 7 minutes on foot after getting off at Pangyo Youth Training Center

Directions from Gangnam Station
Bus 9004, 9409
7 minutes on foot after getting off at Pangyo Youth Training Center


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