*Easy OP Nasus Top Beginners Guide: Always Split, Never Group*

Nasus is a powerful top lane champion known for his incredible scaling and late-game potential. His primary strength comes from his ability to become an unstoppable force as the game progresses. This guide will help you master Nasus by focusing on a split-pushing strategy and avoiding group fights.

*1. **Runes and Build:*
- *Runes:* For Nasus, you’ll want to take *Precision* as your primary tree with *Conqueror* as the keystone. This rune helps you stack damage and heal during trades. Complement it with *Triumph* for extra sustain, *Legend: Tenacity* for crowd control reduction, and *Last Stand* for increased damage when low on health.
- *Secondary Runes:* Opt for *Resolve* with *Second Wind* for better sustain in lane and *Unflinching* for tenacity and slow resistance.
- *Build:* Start with *Doran’s Shield* and *Health Potion**. Rush **Trinity Force* for overall stats and movement speed. Next, go for *Frozen Heart* or *Randuin’s Omen* for armor and cooldown reduction. Finally, complete your build with *Spirit Visage* for increased healing and health.

*2. **Early Game:*
- *Farming:* Focus on stacking your *Siphoning Strike (Q)* by last-hitting minions. Each successful last-hit with your Q increases its damage, so prioritize farming over trading.
- *Positioning:* Play safe and use your range to poke opponents with your Q and **Wither (W)**. Avoid aggressive trades unless you have a clear advantage.
- *Wave Management:* Freeze the wave near your tower to make it harder for your opponent to push and roam.

*3. **Mid Game:*
- *Split-Pushing:* As you build your core items, start pushing side lanes. Use your high damage from Q to take down towers quickly. Nasus excels at taking objectives due to his sustained damage output.
- *Ward:* Place wards in the river and jungle to ensure you are safe from ganks. Vision is crucial to avoid being caught out while split-pushing.
- *Avoid Group Fights:* Nasus is weaker in group fights before he has stacked enough Q and built tanky items. Focus on applying pressure in side lanes and drawing enemies away from objectives.

*4. **Late Game:*
- *Scaling:* By now, your Q should be heavily stacked, and you should be a significant threat. Your primary goal is to keep pushing lanes and forcing the enemy team to respond to your pressure.
- *Objectives:* Take down towers, inhibitors, and eventually the Nexus. Nasus can solo objectives like Baron and Dragon if you have vision and control over the area.
- *Team Play:* If a fight is unavoidable, position yourself well and use your *Wither (W)* on the most dangerous enemy champion. Your job is to soak damage and clean up after the initial engagement.

*5. **General Tips:*
- *Patience:* Nasus scales well with time. Avoid unnecessary risks early on and focus on farming and scaling.
- *Communication:* Let your team know when you’re pushing and need vision or assistance. Good communication can help you avoid being caught out.
- *Adapt:* Adjust your build and playstyle based on the enemy team’s composition. If you’re being focused, consider building more defensive items.

By following this guide, you’ll be able to maximize Nasus’s potential as a split-pushing powerhouse while avoiding the pitfalls of early group fights. Embrace the power of patience and let your stacks do the talking!


Feel free to tweak and adapt the guide based on your personal playstyle and game experience!


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