Trump Gets Horrible Polling News About His Standing With Republicans

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A new poll has given Donald Trump even more horrible news. According to the latest surveys, Trump stands to lose as much as 20% of his support from the people who say they are currently planning on voting for him. These aren't swing voters or moderates, either - these are actual Trump supporters who are now saying in large numbers that they will not vote for him if he gets a felony conviction at the hush money trial (or any other trial.) Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins explains what this means.

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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.

A new poll came out this past week that once again, pretty much like every other new poll that has come out recently has some fairly devastating news for Donald Trump. And that news is that of his supporters. Okay? This is not a poll that includes what Democrats say, what Republicans say, and what independents say. This poll, specifically laser focused in on Trump supporters. And what this poll found is that if Donald Trump gets a criminal conviction in New York or in any of the other cases, 80%. 80% of the people who currently say they're going to vote for 'em are still gonna vote for 'em. So the 80% doesn't matter. What does matter is the 20% who say, I probably will not vote for 'em. Now, there's a caveat on that number though, of the 20% who say that they would consider voting for somebody else, right? I probably won't vote for 'em.

I'll think of somebody else. 16. Uh uh uh, the 16% said, I will probably think of somebody else. The 4% said, hell no. No way. I'm not voting for 'em. So really, when you drill down to it, of the hundred percent total, 4% of Trump's own supporters say, if he gets a conviction, I'm done. So why is that? As bad as I'm saying it is because this is just Donald Trump's core base. These are the people who show up at his rallies. These are the people who buy his merchandise. They've got the NFTs, they've got the gold sneakers and the MAGA hats. And 4% of them, even with a closet full of MAGA gear are saying, listen, if this dude is a criminal, I, IM done. That's the number we've been waiting for, folks. 'cause I have been talking for months about the poll numbers that show us that a majority of independents, a majority of moderate Republicans, and of course every Democrat ever says that if Donald Trump gets a conviction, they're not gonna vote for 'em.

But a lot of those minus the Democrats are the people who are on the fence. I don't lean to the right too far. I don't lean to the left too far. I'm just kind of chilling here in the middle. I could go for Biden, I could go for Trump, I could go for Kennedy, I could go for Cornell West, I could go for anybody. But if Trump gets a conviction, those people are gone leaving Trump with only his base. And that base is less than a third of the American public. Actually, that's not even accurate. The Republican party is less than a third of the American public. The people who identify as MAGA is upwards of 60%. So you're talking 60% of 30% is what was polled. And 4% of that, 60% of that 30% say, I will not vote for him if he gets a

Conviction. I unfortunately cannot do that quick math in my head to get the full number of the American electorate. I'm sure somebody will. I, I know there's already somebody that's seen that, that's like, hold up. I can get those percentages right. Uh, 4% of 60% of 30% comes out to this much of the American electorate. But we're in a race, we're losing. 1% of your national support could cost you everything. And that may be according to this new poll, exactly where Donald Trump is. And for the record, if you do come up with a number, please leave it in the comments. Let me know. I would like to know what that is.


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