What is Adam Iblees and Malikah concept in qura? | آدم ابلیس اور ملائکہ | In Urdu

Описание к видео What is Adam Iblees and Malikah concept in qura? | آدم ابلیس اور ملائکہ | In Urdu

الْمَلَائِكَةُ = The system of conveying the message with authority, Having power of authority, dominance, A faculty firmly rooted in mind, possessor of command, owned exclusively.

There are ideally more than three stages of evolution of becoming a full-fledged Satan but we will discuss three of them.

*The first stage being Kafir – when one starts to be secretive or lies to the colleagues / companions / caretakers and knows that he is wrong and has guilt feelings. This continuous feeling of fear and guilt weighs him down to the next stage – Iblees.

*The second stage is Iblees – At this stage the person has lost all hopes and becomes weak by telling lies and living a life of falsehood. He does not have the courage to come out of the fear and delves deeper into the problems thus not sharing with the colleagues and eventually surrenders and gives up on hope. At this stage one rejects all positivism.

*The third one is the final that is Satan – The weakened morale helps Satan to easily capture or control the person at the Iblees stage. It’s an easy target for Satan to cultivate or breed on the ground that is already fertile through Iblees. Satan can easily control the affected person and make him do any vices (to lie, steal, to cheat, conceal the truth) thus blocking his ability to reason or think. He is not aware about himself at what state of mind he is and much he is actually suffering.

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With the help of this explanation let us take heed and stop ourselves at the first stage itself. The moment we realize that we are at the first or maybe second stage; we need to be cautious and take help and discuss with the ones we are close to. Do not wait until Satan overpowers you. Pay attention to the demonstrative signs [Ayaats] around and within you as they come to you as messengers and guidance from the Knowledgeable Rabb. Do not ignore them giving Satan a chance to sneak in.

The actual Satan is inside US, take precaution, and don’t wait to travel to Mecca to throw stones at him. Satan is not made of concrete and cement pillars but he is made up of false notions. The Satan within is far more dangerous than what we can imagine, if Satan can provoke the person to commit suicide we better beware. Refrain from letting negativity taking control of you. Your body is a sacred place; don’t let any wrong thoughts enter into it. Keep it pure.

Conclusion: The book Quran instruct us that all the powerful forces like Malaikah, Jinn, Ibless, Shaitaan are inside us. We should make them humble [sajda] to Adam in order to live a blissful life.


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