[Legacy][See Description] Endwalker Samurai [Post 6.1] Skills Guide

Описание к видео [Legacy][See Description] Endwalker Samurai [Post 6.1] Skills Guide

You can find the Shadowbringers (1-80) guide at:    • [Legacy][See Description] Shadowbring...  
You can find the Pre-6.1 Guide at:    • [Legacy][See Description] Endwalker S...  
You can find the Dawntrail (1-100) guide at:    • FFXIV: Dawntrail Samurai 1 to 100 Lev...  

What is Legacy? Legacy is for when a guide is no longer relevant, but is here to show everyone what the job used to be like. Rather than being rid of this guide, I am seeking to preserve history of both my own content and the content of FFXIV. The game is always evolving but that doesn't mean we should get rid of the past.

As a result, here is the Ninja Job from Endwalker. Just keep in mind there is some other changes not listed here, such as small potency buffs.

Go follow SuperLouis for more super cool controller builds!
   / superlouis64  
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General DPSing Guide:    • FFXIV: ABC - A Beginner's Guide to DPS  
Melee Role Actions Guide:    • FFXIV: Endwalker Melee Role Actions G...  
Guide to my HUD:    • Explaining My HUD and UI Setup (How t...  
Dictionary of Terms (if you need):    • Final Fantasy XIV Dictionary of Terms...  

Opener images: https://imgur.com/a/9e8qPCe

Merch: https://weskalber.myspreadshop.com/
Twitch:   / weskalber  
Twitter:   / weskalber  
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Side Channel:    / @weskgaming  

Intro: 0:00
Playstyle Summary 2:08
Requirements: 2:56
Role Actions: 3:09
L1, 4, 30. Hakaze, Jinpu, and Gekko: 3:30
L1, 18, 40. Hakaze, Shifu, and Kasha: 4:43
L1, 50. Hakaze and Yukikaze: 5:37
L26, 35, 45. Fuga, Mangetsu, and Oka: 6:02
L50. Meikyo Shisui: 7:12
L30, 40, 50. Iaijutsu: 8:25
Iaijutsu and Sen Review: 11:33
L6. Third Eye: 12:28
L15. Enpi: 14:00
L50. Opener: 15:21
L52. Kenki Mastery: 16:35
L52. Hissatsu: Kaiten: 17:23
L52. Hissatsu: Shinten: 17:31
L54, 56. Hissatsu: Gyoten and Hissatsu: Yaten: 18:12
L60. Meditate: 19:48
L60. Opener: 20:59
L62. Kenki Mastery II: 21:26
L62. Hissatsu: Kyuten: 22:15
L66. Way of the Samurai: 22:43
L68. Hagakure: 23:02
L68. Ikishoten: 26:36
L70. Hissatsu: Guren: 27:03
L70. Opener: 28:23
L72. Hissatsu: Senei: 30:29
L74. Enhanced Iaijutsu: 31:02
L76. Tsubame-gaeshi: 31:19
L78. Enhanced Fugetsu and Fuka: 32:20
L80. Shoha: 32:37
L80. Opener: 33:43
L82. Shoha II: 34:29
L84. Way of the Samurai II: 34:48
L84. Enhanced Tsubame-gaeshi: 35:03
L86. Fuga Mastery and Fuko: 35:35
L88. Enhanced Meikyo Shisui: 35:58
L90. Enhanced Ikishoten, Ogi Namikiri, and Kaeshi: Namikiri: 36:39
L90. AoE "Opener": 37:50
L90. Opener: 38:27
Outro: 40:56

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#FFXIV #Endwalker #Samurai


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