Seek, O Seek The Lord

Описание к видео Seek, O Seek The Lord

The Catholic hymn "Seek, O Seek The Lord"
Recorded on May 2, 2024, at the Parish of the Good Samaritan, Brisbane, Australia.

Catholic Worship Book 2
CWBII - 595

Seek, O seek the Lord, while He is near;
Trust Him, speak to Him in prayer, and He will hear.

God, be with us in our lives,
direct us in our calling;
break the snares the world contrives,
keep us from falling.

God, increase in us the life
that Christ by dying gave us.
Though we faint with mortal strife,
His blood will save us.

Strengthen in our hearts the love
we owe to one another.
How can we love God above
and not our brother?

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