Buet Campus ft. Enayet Chowdhury | Vlog 26 | Ratul Sinha

Описание к видео Buet Campus ft. Enayet Chowdhury | Vlog 26 | Ratul Sinha

In this video I visited BUET Campus and did exciting challenges with ‪@EnayetChowdhuryOfficial‬ ! Watch my last video:    • Shonir Akhra Street Food | 500 tk Cha...  

I went to BUET for the first time and had an amazing experience. Enayet Chowdhury threw some challenges at me and I made him dance in public! Watch the whole video to enjoy the full experience.
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This video has no adult content whatsoever. It's totally a "Family Friendly" video every week. Watch it with the family or alone, no worries!
Hope you enjoy it!

*Business contact*: [email protected]

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Music in the video:
1. Mood Bangla Version by Tajwar: [unreleased]
2. Jeyo na, theke jao by Tajwar:

Get in touch with me here:
Twitter: www.twitter.com/itsratulsinha
Facebook: www.facebook.com/itsratulsinha
Instagram: www.instagram.com/ratulsinha
Tiktok: www.tiktok.com/@itsratulsinha


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