A Life complete - The Life of Rabbi Jacob J. Hecht

Описание к видео A Life complete - The Life of Rabbi Jacob J. Hecht

The life of Rabbi Jacob J. Hecht of blessed memory.
Rabbi Jacob J. Hecht, otherwise known as Rabbi JJ was a fourth generation American Jew. He was the Lubavitcher Rebbe's right-hand man, and a leading Chabad rabbi, educator, writer and radio commentator. Among his many accomplishments, Rabbi JJ was the official translator of the Rebbe. He was active executive vice president of the National Committee for the Furtherance of Jewish Education. He wrote two books: "Brimstone and Fire" and "Essays on Judaism." Together with his Rebbitzen, Bubby Hecht, He opened Camp Emunah, the first overnight Lubavitch children’s camp in the world. Since its inception in 1953 it serviced more than 100,000 girls.
Rabbi JJ or Yankel as he was known to some, is remembered for his dedication and devotion to the Lubavitcher Rebbe ZY"A, his passion, humor, wit and public speaking. But most importantly he is remembered by the thousands of lives he touched worldwide. His legacy lives on through his organisation, Rebbitzen, children and grandchildren. He is truly a role model for us all!


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