RR # 101 - Factor Nuances, Dollar Cost Averaging, and Annuities in a Pandemic

Описание к видео RR # 101 - Factor Nuances, Dollar Cost Averaging, and Annuities in a Pandemic

We kick off today’s episode of the Rational Reminder by discussing when Ben will be publishing his new model portfolios and a quick look at some of our upcoming guests and resources you might want to take a look at. We have been on a roll with our guests lately, and we are certainly not slowing down anytime soon. From there, we look at some of the headlines, such as CDIC developments and the myths around inflation. Next, we move onto to listener rapid-fire questions. Some of the topics include the difference between leveraged ETFs and traditional ones as well as a small-cap investment strategy for an investor with a 30-year plus investment timeline. We then turn our attention to the core topic of the show, dollar-cost averaging versus lump-sum investing. Ben presents an overview of dollar-cost averaging along with some of the perceived benefits. We dive into his analysis of dollar-cost averaging versus lump sum investing in equity portfolios over select 10-year periods across various countries. We discuss the results based on a range of factors and variables. The crux of the argument is that dollar-cost averaging is not as compelling as it’s often sold to be. While there are psychological benefits, the empirical evidence shows that there are not real ones. We wrap the show up with a look at how the pandemic is likely to shape the annuities industry and retirement planning. Tune in today!

Key Points From This Episode:

0:00 Introduction; Find out when the new model portfolios will be up.
5:04 Some books to look at ahead of upcoming guests; Ben and Cameron’s takeaways from Tobi Lutke’s appearance on Invest Like the Best.
9:07 Current affairs, including CDIC changes, Michael Kitces recent publication, and inflation.
13:45 Rapid fire questions: Leveraged ETFs versus traditional ETFs and size as a risk factor.
23:07 How a small cap value investment strategy could work for an investor with a long horizon; Why Ben and Cameron don’t talk about implementing the profitability factor with a dedicated ETF.
29:54 A brief explanation of dollar-cost averaging and the rationale behind it.
50:36 Two things people look at to try to predict positive outcomes and its influence on lump sum investing; How high stock prices influence lump sum versus dollar-cost averaging outcomes.
56:37 Japan vs the US: How Ben determined if the Japanese market is expensive.
1:00:03 Three key outcomes of the pandemic on retirement planning; How the annuity industry can encourage its products with decreasing life expectancy.
1:06:16 Bad advice of the week.

Links From Today’s Episode:

Rational Reminder on iTunes — https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/t....
Rational Reminder Website - https://rationalreminder.ca/podcast/101
Prof. Kenneth French on Rational Reminder — https://rationalreminder.ca/podcast/100
Invest Like the Best — https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast...
Path-Dependence of Leveraged ETF Returns — https://www.math.nyu.edu/faculty/avel...
The Delisting Bias in CRSP Data — https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/a...
How the coronavirus pandemic could change the way we think about retirement in Canada — https://www.moneysense.ca/save/retire...
Covid-19, Longevity Risk & the Economics of Annuitization — https://moshemilevsky.com/covid-19-an...

The Rational Reminder is presented as an educational resource and should not be construed as individualized investment advice, nor as a recommendation to buy or sell specific securities. The funds and portfolios discussed are examples only and may not be appropriate for your individual circumstances.


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