Airline PAST#13: British Caledonian Airways

Описание к видео Airline PAST#13: British Caledonian Airways

From our friends accross the pond who perfected the term 'service' first on ships followed by trains then finally pioneering it into the air!

British Caledonian formed from and acquisition of British United Airways by British supplemental/charter carrier, Caledonian Airways.

I mistakenly always believed BCAL created Caledonian after the British Airways takeover. I had no idea that BCAL was a mere 17 years old at it's end. All I knew is I'd have all the time in the world to fly them because BCAL was the British 'TWA' to the British 'Pan Am' that of course being British Airways. I wasn't all that interested in BCAL until I saw a BCAL 747 at San Diego..what a Regal looking plane! A few years later while shooting at LAX, I met a BCAL DC-10 pilot, a really nice guy...but he trashed the 747 too much to my liking.

So now let's have a good look back at (from what I heard) a great airline as far as service was concerned, but I like presenting that majestic fleet of theirs!

Another great one from the United Kingdom!


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