L-3 | Unit-1 | Import of drugs | Condition for loan or repacking licence | 5th Sem | Jurisprudence

Описание к видео L-3 | Unit-1 | Import of drugs | Condition for loan or repacking licence | 5th Sem | Jurisprudence

L-3 | Unit-1 | Import of drugs | Condition for loan or repacking licence | 5th Sem | Jurisprudence | Smart Pharmacy Wallah

Hello Friends..🥰❤️

Welcome to Smart pharmacy wallah

In this video i explained about...

Import of drugs
Classes of drugs and cosmetics prohibited from import
Import under licence or permit
Offences and penalties

Manufacturing of drugs
Prohibition of manufacture and sale of certain drugs

Condition for grant of licence
Condition of licence for manufacture of drugs

Loan License
Repacking License

B-Pharm 5th Semester Jurisprudence
B-Pharm 5th Semester Jurisprudence

Unit-1 [Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence]


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Smart pharmacy wallah

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Team Members :-

1) Drx Samar Khan [Owner]
2) Drx Shashank Singh Rajput [Member]
3) Drx Prashant Yadav [Member]


if you have any queries regarding this topics please drop comments i would love to solve your problem.

Thank you for watching my videos..🙏😊

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