Verena Holmes Anniversary and Networking Event: Celebrating and Championing Women Engineers

Описание к видео Verena Holmes Anniversary and Networking Event: Celebrating and Championing Women Engineers

The event marks the 100th anniversary of Verena Holmes' election as the first woman member of the IMechE, celebrating her significant contributions to the profession. The event aims to spotlight the profound impact of women in engineering, both historically and in the present day. Additionally, it will encourage discussions on how the Institution, engineering companies of all sizes, and individuals can actively support women to thrive in their careers.

The first presentation will tell the story of Verena Holmes, providing insights into her ground breaking achievements and contributions to the engineering landscape. The second presentation will be given by a prominent contemporary woman engineer focussing on their inspiring achievements. The event will culminate with a panel discussion featuring a cross-section of women in engineering, discussing how we can support women thrive in their career through the lens of mentoring, allyship and sponsorship as a main theme running through the event.


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