A Movie Review | Legally Blonde by Raissa Fathma Ramadhania

Описание к видео A Movie Review | Legally Blonde by Raissa Fathma Ramadhania

Name : Raissa Fathma Ramadhania
NIM : 21211144044
English Literature 2021
Showcase-J 2024

This video is dedicated to fulfilling an assignment for the Showcase Course by Ma'am Emi Nursanti.

Tells the story of a fashionable blonde American girl, Elle Woods. However, she is dumb by her boyfriend, Warner. Warner enrolled in law school and began dating other girl. Elle continues to try to win Warner's heart back and date him again by enrolling in Harvard Law School where Elle is not interested or suitable for that major.However, she succeeded in being accepted and entered Harvard with great effort.


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