Pilot Ladder on Ships Correct rigging procedure 2020 by Capt.Vijay

Описание к видео Pilot Ladder on Ships Correct rigging procedure 2020 by Capt.Vijay

Correct method of rigging pilot ladder explained by Capt.Vijay
As explained, a large number of reports related to the use of pilot ladders which are too long relative to the vessel’s draughts. As a result, the excessively long ladders require shortening up before being deployed for boarding pilots. In these cases, ship crew shortens the pilot ladders, using D-shackles to choke the side ropes at the required height along the ladder’s length. In this method, the D-shackle is first secured to a hard point on the deck, such as a pad eye, and the ladder rope threaded through the shackle. Shortening ladders using the D-shackle method causes the weight of the ladder to be taken up by the D-shackle impacting directly against the mechanical securing clamps (widgets) which secure the ladders treads in place, Tokyo MoU explains.


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