EDF 6 DLC 2-5 Guerrilla Warfare on Elder Kruhls turf Wing Diver Inferno ( Earth Defense Force 6 )

Описание к видео EDF 6 DLC 2-5 Guerrilla Warfare on Elder Kruhls turf Wing Diver Inferno ( Earth Defense Force 6 )

Wing Diver was always a nice class to play with guerrilla war tactics. Sneak to a powerful enemy, shoot it and retreat to attack again. On EDF 6 that is mostly gone because the number of missions where you can do it is small. Most missions have too many enemies for that to work easily.

This mission introduces Elder Kruhl. It's armored and there will be 2 kinds in this mission, one with a pulse weapon and another with poison gas.
Poison gas ones are easy to avoid and prey for high-movement classes. Wait for them to shoot, then approach them and kill them.
Pulse is trickier because their shots are precise and fast, and with smaller intervals.
They have boy and head armor, so it is trickier to one-shot them (and not possible with lances for instance, or theoretically Dragoon Tri).

The weapons I used were the level 92 Dragoon Lance ZM, the 95 Phalanx ZT, the 82
Power Spear S3 and the 88 VZ Plasma Core. No DLC weapons were used.
I do like Dragoon Lances. It is likely that the 61 Dragoon Lance M4 would have worked, but didn't even tried. Phalanx wasn't used.
Power Spear S3 is interesting because it enables overheating the Elder Kruhl two shields, so he won't be able to use them for protection.

It's quite easy.
Pick enemies that are alone or just 2, and attack them. They can be approached pretty close if not aggroed. Hide behind buildings if necessary to recharge core and weapons.
NPCs will be bait.

Remember that lances have damage fall off,

Staying around the tall buildings area is much smarter...

Funny intro mission for these enemies. There will be other nastier variants of these.

Have fun,

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