DCS: Why the Harrier is an absolute A2G beast (unedited)

Описание к видео DCS: Why the Harrier is an absolute A2G beast (unedited)

Most of my videos are edited, however these 12 minutes deserve to be seen in full - no editing. Hopefully it highlights why the Harrier is so devastating at ground attack in a hostile PvP environment.

It was was supposed to be a quick flight on the 80s Contention server (no JDAMs), the sortie to quickly fire off 4 Mavericks (as there was significant enemy air cover) to help take out a nearby strategically important FARP before re-arming to take out 4 more targets. Usually defended by a dozen units including Trucks, a couple of armoured units and some light AAA, it turned out that Redfor had recognised it's importance and set up significant defences including 3 SA6 sites and SA8 and an SA6 to supplement the Zu-23s, BMPs and T-72s already there. Those defences were no match for the mighty Harrier even with only 4 Mavericks, 2 Sidearm and a gun. Given 10 LJDAMs or APKWS the devastation would have been higher still.


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