Bambu Studio SVG File Type Tutorial

Описание к видео Bambu Studio SVG File Type Tutorial

Hello Everyone. We will be looking at our often overlooked file type for Bambu Studio. The understated but very powerful SVG file type. Some of our future projects will be using them.

Here are some of my videos that touch on them.
A follow up to the "back to basics" video
   • Bambu Studio View, Walls and Cut tool.  

Bambu Studio project 2d image to 3d print with bonus
   • Bambu Studio project 2d image to 3d p...  

Customize 2d to 3d files. Bambu Studio Tutorial Intermediate Level
   • Customize 2d to 3d files. Bambu Studi...  

Making a 2 Sided coin. Alternative Method Bambu Studio Intermediate Tutorial
   • Making a 2 Sided coin. Alternative Me...  

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