In This Video We Are Discussing About Canonical released today Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS as the third point release for its long-term supported Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa) operating system series.
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Kubuntu 20.04.3 LTS | Setting Up And First Impressions | Kubuntu 20.04.3 Review - LTS all round
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After a slight delay, Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS is available today as the newest point release for the current Ubuntu Linux long-term support release.
As usual, Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS is primarily made up of re-spun images offering the latest security/bug fixes installed. Additionally, it offers the latest hardware enablement (HWE) stack for ensuring Ubuntu LTS continues working on the newest hardware.
In the case of Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS, it offers up the hardware enablement packages of Ubuntu 21.04 -- primarily, Linux 5.11 and Mesa 21.0. This is good news for Ubuntu LTS users especially around the newer open-source graphics drivers but having Linux 5.11 over Linux 5.8 is also good news for users in terms of newer kernel functionality plus better hardware support across the board. The non-HWE components remain available for those not minding the older software stack -- that "GA" stack remains the default for Ubuntu Server 20.04.3 LTS.
Kubuntu 20.04.3 LTS, Ubuntu Budgie 20.04.3 LTS, Ubuntu MATE 20.04.3 LTS, Lubuntu 20.04.3 LTS, Ubuntu Kylin 20.04.3 LTS, Ubuntu Studio 20.04.3 LTS, and Xubuntu 20.04.3 LTS are all updated and available.
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Hello everyone,
In an attempt to improve our processes and quality of the LTS Point-release images, sta-,ing • , n Augu • ,11 be trying a bit of a safer ap:r '. B. . 'he main no• change is that we will now be following the SRU po,,,edure= any release blockers that we find during the point-rel - 771, means that, besides some very exc.' • onal eve, even for a blocker) will have to follow the same verification, rego n analysis and aging period process - in which case, if a 6. is found in the release candidate images, we will be sinply delayin the point release until the fix is verified, aged and only then relea.ed into updates.
Delaying a point-release is unfortunate, but better than lowering our quality standards.
We had a few cases already where our last NUnute fixes, fast-tracked under time pressure, were not tested thoroughly enough and introduced regressions (or, sindlarly annoying, appeared to be only partial fixes). As qtmlity is the most important aspect of any Ubuntu release, we vmnt to make sure users get the best experience of our Point-release images.
To accommodate this change, and to make sure as many release blockers are found as early as possible, we will also be svdtching -proposed off from the series daily image builds 2 weeks before release (so a week before the first release candidate images ar, -'anned). Previously we stuck vdth proposed-enabled daily i s until one week before release (only switching those off for when 1,— ase candidates are built), mainly as a legacy from old times when -plu' --d as a whole vms flushed to -updates as part of the proc T.__ haS not been done since years already (as it's no longer .. , so ,eay,ng -proposed on dailies makes less sense than it had on the past.
Thank you,
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Todays Video - Kubuntu 20.04.3 LTS Released, Available to Download!
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