The Value of Soil

Описание к видео The Value of Soil

The ELD initiative produced a short information film on the importance of the economics of Land Degradation.

The ELD film depicts the value of productive land in provision of ecosystem services and goes on to show the current rapid depletion of this valuable non-renewable resource, which costs us dearly.

But how can we prevent this? We have to include the value of the soil's services and the cost of land degradation into our calculation to show that using soils in the way that most of us do today is simply not reasonable in the long run.

The ELD initiative has been set up to find out more about these actual costs by bringing together scientists, decision-makers in politics and industry and local land users from all over the world to calculate and discuss: How high are the costs of in-action? What needs to be done? And to further describe and communicate the benefits of adopting sustainable land management practices.[tt_news]=38

About ELD: The Economics of Land Degradation (ELD) is an initiative for a global study on the economic benefits of land and land based ecosystems. The initiative highlights the value of sustainable land management and provides a global approach for analysis of the economics of land degradation. It aims to make economics of land degradation an integral part of policy strategies and decision making by increasing the political and public awareness of the costs and benefits of land and land-based ecosystems.


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