Presenting my Balsa Wood Homemade RC Plane Landing Gear Strap

Описание к видео Presenting my Balsa Wood Homemade RC Plane Landing Gear Strap

How I drilled holes for screws: Used Great Planes Dead Center Engine Mount Hole Locator

How I tried my best to increase strength of the balsa woods: coated one side of each of the same piece with CA (Super) Glue and the other side with 5 minute epoxy

Note: I have the super glue coated sides of the balsa woods facing fuselage base and landing gear and the 5 minute epoxy coated sides facing away from fuselage base and landing gear. About the individual homemade strap that is one whole balsa wood slice, forming the bend for the strap to contact landing gear was done before any coating and then drilling the holes was done before any epoxy coating. The other homemade strap is different balsa wood slices that are jointed to each other by 5 minute epoxy and the pieces closet to fuselage base have one side of super glue and one side 5 minute epoxy coating.


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