Christmas NiGHTS: Sonic into Dreams (Extra)

Описание к видео Christmas NiGHTS: Sonic into Dreams (Extra)

I'm lucky this uploaded at all. I've been trying to get it up for a week or more. When it rains, it pours, my friends - and I'm not only in the middle of some nasty internet problems, but my computer is having a meltdown, among other things.

I spent two years buying replacement parts for the last time my computer broke down. It's only really been in "fully working order" for maybe five months, and now something else is breaking down. It had to happen at Christmas, too, of all times.

So if I vanish in to thin air, don't be surprised. I simply do not have the money to pay for repairs - I'll be lucky if the warranties for some of this stuff still holds.

I was originally just going to say "If you guys want me to upload some footage from the regular footage of NiGHTS, I'll see what I can do." but that may not happen for a while.


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