What's the Normal HbA1c - HbA1c कितना होना चाहिए

Описание к видео What's the Normal HbA1c - HbA1c कितना होना चाहिए

#HbA1c is a small fraction of #Hemoglobin and carries glucose (#glycosylated Hb). It is a 3-months record of sugar levels in a person.
It can be used for #Diagnosis as well as to see #Control of #Diabetes .
For diagnosis: less than 5.7% is normal; 5.7-6.5% is Pre-Diabetes; more than 6.5% is Diabetes
For Control: it is better than fasting sugar levels or post-prandial sugar levels.
Roughly how much blood sugar as per HbA1c .. 7% is 152 mg/dl, 8% is 183 mg, 10% is 240 mg, 12% is 298 mg ...
Good Control: 7%
Poor Control: 8%
Very Poor Control: 10%

Okay now here are 10 ways to lower your A1C:
1. Understand what HbA1c is all about. Take stock of your goals and challenges. ...How lowering HbA1c will help.
2. Create a diabetes management plan, go slow and have patience. how much to lower in what time? put it in writing in your DM diary or mobile.
3. Eat a healthy #Diet. Quantity of Food & Quality of Food.
4. The Art of Eating: Eat slowly and Chew well, Look at food, . ....
5. #Exercise. Exercise naturally fires up your body's insulin activity. ... Try Short Sessions of High Intensity Exercise. ... Walk daily twice...
6. Set a weight loss goal.
Keep BMI - Body Mass Index at below 25.
BMI= Weight in Kgs/Height in Meter squared.
7. Get Enough #Sleep — But Not Too Much. ... 6-9 hours/day, same time...
8. Manage #stress and mental health.
9. Avoid alcohol, beer, cold drinks and juices.
10. Know what's #Hypoglycemia and how to tackle it...
11. Medication. ...
• Disclaimer: Medicine is an ever evolving science and one should consult his family doctor before taking any drug etc.

Dr. Sarosh Ahmed Khan, MBBS; MD; FACP; FRCP (Edin)
Director and Senior Consultant Internal Medicine,
NaseeM Medical Center
Baghe Mehtab, Srinagar, Kashmir, JK 190019


#hba1c test values
a1c test results
a1c diabetes range
ha1c level
hemoglobin a1c
a1c sugar test

hba1c test values
a1c test results
a1c diabetes range
ha1c level
hemoglobin a1c
a1c sugar test

hba1c test values
a1c test results
a1c diabetes range
ha1c level
hemoglobin a1c
a1c sugar test


hba1c test values
a1c test results
a1c diabetes range
ha1c level
hemoglobin a1c
a1c sugar test

hba1c test values
a1c test results
a1c diabetes range
ha1c level
hemoglobin a1c
a1c sugar test

hba1c test values
a1c test results
a1c diabetes range
ha1c level
hemoglobin a1c
a1c sugar test

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