Tanya Brown | Life After O.J. Simpson and Death of Sister Nicole Brown Simpson

Описание к видео Tanya Brown | Life After O.J. Simpson and Death of Sister Nicole Brown Simpson

This week I talk with Tanya Brown, youngest sister of Nicole Brown Simpson, and author of the book Finding Peace Amid the Chaos.

O.J. Simpson transfixed the nation in 1995 during his controversial trial, in which he was acquitted of all the criminal charges for the murders of his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend, Ronald Goldman.

Nicole’s youngest sister, Tanya Brown, joins me this week on What the Flow! to talk about her relentless battle with depression after the devastating death of her sister. Tanya suffered with depression for 15 years leading up to her mental breakdown and suicide attempt. Although traumatic, the suicide attempt was the rock bottom that forced her to seek treatment.

Today, Tanya spearheads her own happy and successful life as an author, speaker and life coach. Watch how she is passionately working towards her mission to help the 350 million people suffering from depression worldwide, and to raise awareness of domestic violence issues.


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