Falcons And A Drone

Описание к видео Falcons And A Drone

February 8, 2019. The Utah Sky Trials are a week away, and Steve is freshly back from a trip overseas... In order to bring his birds up to par for the trials he exercises them by flying them up to a reward attached to the drone.

The legal altitude limit for drones is 400 feet. Always obey state and federal laws when operating drones, kites, balloons, space shuttles, rockets, jet-airliners, blimps, helicopters, guided missiles, catapult projectiles, Pterodactyls, and birds of prey.*

Full Falconry Told Podcast with Steve Chindgren and where to buy his new book "The Art of Hawking Sage Grouse" at:


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Produced and scored by Falconry Told, All Rights Reserved.

*As far as I know Steve does not operate a Pterodactyl


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