CertiFLYYed & Better Fort presents - My City (Original) [Official Music Video] |

Описание к видео CertiFLYYed & Better Fort presents - My City (Original) [Official Music Video] |

AVAILABLE on Reverb Nation: http://t.co/xUAyjkaI
LEARN MORE: http://www.mycitymovement.com

Featuring CertiFLYYed, Drew Shade, Pryce Underwood, Moe Cheez, Fuchyyy (SB Click), Troy Amos, 2RQ, Dinero MoneyBagz, ChromeHeartz, and Chrome Cats.

A Better Fort's HipHop4theCity project is part of an effort to highlight the culture and work of young adults of Fort Wayne. It has turned into one of the largest "community driven and collaborative hip-hop based local projects" in the world.

"Hip hop has traditionally brought people together and there is so much talent in the area that deserves to be showcased. We want people to get involved and take pride in their community and projects like this provide ways to do that."
- Alex Smith, Creator of the Project

Check out the most up to date version: http://vimeo.com/37438685

© 2012 A Better Fort, CertiFLYYed Media, Chad Deutsch, Lynchpin Creative
HipHop4theCity™ is a trademark of HH4TC LLC.
All Rights Reserved.


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