Centre for Adoption Support Webinar - Attachment and Play

Описание к видео Centre for Adoption Support Webinar - Attachment and Play

Play is crucial to building attachment, connection and attunement between the adoptive parent and child in the early weeks, months and years of placement.

This online video considers some theories around play and child development from an attachment and trauma informed perspective, and examines how play may be used to support children who may need help in trusting in and/or accepting the availability of their care giver.

We briefly explore play strategies and activities that might help boost being in the moment with your child/children, as well as recognising your own play preferences too.

By thinking about how you can meet your child in a less resistant part of their brain, it will help both adopter and adoptive child to begin to learn about and get to know each other.

Delivered by: Sarah Butcher, Play Therapist and Social Worker and Claire Dale, Play Therapist and Social Worker from the Centre for Adoption Support.

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