Paul Humpher of Carpentersville is convicted of beating wife

Описание к видео Paul Humpher of Carpentersville is convicted of beating wife

Fernando Leva reads the police report public record on Village of Carpentersville, Illinois Trustee Paul Humpher on the restraining order filed in 2005 by his wife for domestic battery. Trustee Judy Sigwalt, an ally in sponsoring the Immigration Relief Ordiance (to punish businesses hiring or renting to undocumented aliens, and requring all business in the Village conducted only in English), demands that Village President Bill Sarto stop Mr. Leva from talking. Mr. Sarto encourges Mr. Leva to continue. (Mr. Sarto also attempted a criminal investigation into Trustee Humpher, which was dropped by the Village Police.) Recorded April 03, 2007.


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