Untamed Wind

Описание к видео Untamed Wind

I dance on the breeze, light and free,
Gliding through valleys, over the sea.
Whispers in the leaves, a gentle caress,
In the wind’s embrace, I find my rest.

I am the wind, swift and wild,
A force of nature, untamed, unbeguiled.
Through storm and calm, I soar and play,
Carving paths in skies of gray.

I bend the air, with every breath,
A swirling tempest, life and death.
I lift the birds, and stir the seas,
In my presence, feel the ease.

Through the forests, I weave my song,
In every gust, I travel along.
From mountain peaks to deserts wide,
I am the wind, your constant guide.

I am the wind, swift and wild,
A force of nature, untamed, unbeguiled.
Through storm and calm, I soar and play,
Carving paths in skies of gray.

I carry whispers of distant lands,
Sculpting dunes and shifting sands.
In my hands, the power to heal,
Or to unleash, with forceful zeal.

Feel my touch, cool and clear,
A gentle breeze to chase your fear.
In every breath, in every sigh,
Know the wind is always nigh.

I am the wind, swift and wild,
A force of nature, untamed, unbeguiled.
Through storm and calm, I soar and play,
Carving paths in skies of gray.

I am the wind, fierce and free,
Embrace my spirit, come with me.
Through realms of wonder, near and far,
Together, we’ll reach the stars.


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