MBHVIM Investing In Robots, Construction, PropTech, Real Estate

Описание к видео MBHVIM Investing In Robots, Construction, PropTech, Real Estate

To #founders #investors Founders Under 40™ Group #members GreatestFounders™ #members There is a moment when we must realize that the old ways may no longer be keeping up with the demands of society.

We Bring In The Robots & The Talents.

Our partner MBHVIM is looking to find people in Software Skills, Design Skills, Engineering, Suppliers, Construction Skills, Robotics Enthusiast, investors, Social innovators, Lawyers, Government Relations, Builders, Developers, Associations, rich, poor, first time home buyers, real estate agents & brokers, young, old, and so on.

Share knowledge, jobs, ideas, advice, and comments about the housing issues and solutions.

Millions of dollars for this option but means faster home assembly & finishes. Means more affordable homes. Means better quality homes. Email us and we’ll send you details of future robotics house assembly system and who is currently using this process: [email protected] THANKS
**This video is meant as an example and the possibilities**
  #modularhomes #housingmarket #builders #realestate


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