Crystal Violet Biofilm Assay | Indirect biofilm quantification

Описание к видео Crystal Violet Biofilm Assay | Indirect biofilm quantification

Few more viva questions to add:

7. what is significance of biofilm in antibiotic resistance?
8. Is there any gene responsible for biofilm formation?
9. what triggers biofilm formation ?
10.Give names ofany 3 compounds that inhibit biofilm?

BIOFILM (part 1)- Concept and BIOFILM FORMATION.
   • #Biofilm BIOFILM FORMATION | Microbio...  

BIOFILM (Part 2)- Applications:

Significance of Biofilm in Pathogenesis (Part 3):
   • #BIOFILM (part 3) Significance of BIO...  

Biofilm inhibition/ Anti-biofilm strategies:
   • BIOFILM INHIBITION (Anti-biofilm stra...  

Quorum sensing basic concept:
   • Quorum sensing | Microbiology   #Quor...  

Quorum sensing in Gram positive bacteria:
   • Quorum sensing (Gram positive bacteri...  

Quorum sensing in Gram Negative bacteria:
   • Quorum sensing in Gram Negative bacte...  

links for other videos:

Quorum Quenching :
   • #Quorum Quenching #Quorum sensing inh...  

Probiotics :What are prebiotics and probiotics ? :-
   • Видео  

Biofuel cell: (1) Microbial fuel cell :-
   • Biofuel cell: (1) Microbial fuel cell  

Biofuel cell (2): enzymatic fuel cell or what is enzymatic fuel cell? :-
   • Biofuel cell (2): enzymatic fuel cell...  

Ames test :-
   • Ames test  

what are biosensors? :-
   • What are biosensors ?  

Introduction to fungi :-
   • Introduction to fungi | Fungus | Theo...  

pyrogen testing :-
   • Pyrogen testing  

Pathogenic determinants: Adhesion, Colonization and invasion (1) :-
   • Pathogenic determinants: Adhesion, Co...  

Pathogenic determinants : Evasion (2) :-
   • Pathogenic determinants : Evasion (2)...  

Transgenic animals and plants :-
   • Transgenic animals and plants | Immun...  

Fungal biosensors :-
   • Fungal biosensors | Fungi / Fungus | ...  

Bacterial endotoxin test: BET/LAL
   • Bacterial endotoxin test /Limulus ame...  

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Enjoy learning!!!
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