Doggy Days of Summer are here again! No pooping and scooping! We are having too much fun!

Описание к видео Doggy Days of Summer are here again! No pooping and scooping! We are having too much fun!

Dog Swim Day at the Meaford Pool, Ontario. No time for pooping and scooping here. We are having too much fun!
Petition for the nonsurgical, easy-to-use, inexpensive contraception products
Alliance for Contraception (nonsurgical) for Cats and Dogs, ACCD
Beautiful Joe Park, Meaford -- Celebrating Human/Animal Love
Domesticated animals have always been with us, providing support, companionship and great happiness. Please help the many dogs and cats strays worldwide by asking for nonsurgical, easy-to-use, inexpensive contraception products. Please learn about the Alliance for Contraception in Cats and Dogs, ACCD, and the petition “Request Pet Birth Control: Nonsurgical” Thank you.

Thank you to Canadian Pet Connection, Meaford Culture Foundation, Christmas on the Bay, Le Pooch Boutique, Royale LePage Real Estate, Happy Paws Canine Solutions, Timberjack Tree Services.

University of Chile Scientists develop reversible dog neutering vaccine shot good for one year $54
   • Scientists develop reversible dog neu...  

Enjoy Dog Swim September 1, Meaford, Ontario Clips


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