Kinman Blues Set Pickups - 2004 Std. Strat

Описание к видео Kinman Blues Set Pickups - 2004 Std. Strat

This guitar came to me in a trade. It's a fairly stock 2004 Standard Stratocaster, part of the 50th Anniversary releases. They're ash bodied with a nice soft V neck that has some girth and a one-ply pickguard. If you can find one, buy it, would be my recommendation, as they're pretty stellar. Anyway, the original pickups in this specimen had been replaced with a Kinman Blues Set - SCn in the bridge, AVn62's in the middle and neck position. These pickups are slightly hotter than average Strat pickups, hence the 'Blues' reference. They're also zero-hum so there's no noise. Additionally, the bottom Tone pot does something cool; it blends the neck pickup in with the bridge pickup, allowing some VERY cool tones to be had on the fly.

From Chris Kinman about this specific guitar and the pickups in it: "The wiring harness in that Strat is my K7 Plus Goodbye Soldering Harness and the lower control is the K7 mix control which mixes the neck pickup to the output, not only the bridge pickup. That way you can have all 3 pickups on together or mix the neck progressively with the bridge as well as with the bridge + middle. 7 + sounds in all...The Blues set has been around a long time, since 1998 in fact. However in 2001 were greatly improved with new technology. One might think a product as old as the Blues set would slowly peter out an die but the Blues set is an evergreen set and remains popular to this day. With the advent of the the Gen-2 range such as the Impersonator A56 I get absorbed by their terrific sound and I tend to forget about the old Blues set. But when I pickup up a guitar with them in it I rediscover that I am as delighted with the sound as I ever was..."

The amp sound is a factory preset from the Axe-FX II XL+. It's basically a 1959 Super Lead Plexi through a greenback loaded quad with some stereo delay and reverb. The kind of sound I'd use on stage, often. Best at destructo volume so you can play its dynamics.

I mastered the audio in Logic Pro X with Waves L3-16 Limiting (master output) and Waves CLA Guitars (guitar input) for some slight compression.


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