Symphony No. 2 "Apollo" | Paul Alcazar | MuseScore 4

Описание к видео Symphony No. 2 "Apollo" | Paul Alcazar | MuseScore 4

0:00:00 Intro
0:00:02 I. Allegro agitato. (E minor)
0:23:35 II. Scherzo. Allegro assai. (A minor)
0:34:50 III. Adagio sostenuto. (G major - E major)
0:58:20 IV. Finale. Adagio sostenuto. (B minor - E minor - E major)

Because my first symphony got so much support and feedback, I thought writing a second one wouldn’t be such a bad idea. Thank you to everyone who has followed my work since, and welcome if you’re new! And a special thanks to my friend Camille, who has been my main source of encouragement. (Apologies for the audio, by the way; I had to compress it because MuseScore likes making my life hard.)

I didn’t post a description of this symphony or the movements because I prefer the interpretation to be up to the listener. But there have been a few comments wondering about the overarching meaning, so below are a few program notes. A commenter also correctly pointed out that I should give credit to the work from which I got the lyrics.

This symphony is loosely based around Dante Aleghieri’s Divina Commedia, with lines from several Canti used in the choral finale. This whole work may be viewed as an interpretation of Dante’s epic poem, but it's more about seeking enlightenment and grace through Apollo, the Greek god of light, music, poetry, and knowledge. The key of this symphony is E minor, but there are other tonal centers in the bleak keys of D minor and G minor in each movement. Here are the lyrics in the last movement:

Per me si va ne la città dolente, per me si va ne l'eterno dolore! Qui si convien lasciare ogne sospetto; ogne viltà convien che qui sia morta.

O Muse, O Appollo!

O buono Appollo, a l’ultimo lavoro, fammi del tuo valor sì fatto vaso, come dimandi a dar l’amato alloro.

O divini virtu, se mi ti presti, tanto che l’ombra del beato regno segnata del mio capo io manifesti.

Vedra’ mi al piè del tuo diletto legno venire, e coronarmi de le foglie che la materia e tu mi farai degno.

O Appollo, a l’ultimo lavoro ogne viltà convien che qui sia morta!

La notivà del suono el’ grande lume, di lor cagion m’accesero un disio mai non sentito di contanto acume!

O Muse, O alto ingegno, entra nel petto mio e spira tue!

Qui si convien lasciare ogne sospetto!

O insensata cura de’ mortali, Quanto son difettivi silogismi che qui in fanno basso battar l’ali!

Tu dubbi, e hai voler che si ricerna in sì aperta e ’n sì distesa lingua lo dicer mio, ch’al tuo sentir si sterna.

Or, se le mie parole, non son fioche, se la tua audïenza e stata attenta, se ciò detto a la mente revoche, fia la tua voglia contenta.

Ogne viltà convien che qui sia morta!

Io veggio ben che già mai non si sazia, nostro intelletto, s’el ver non illustra di fuor qual nessun vero si spazia.

Somma luce, luce etterna, luce amanza!

Non è l'affezion mia tanto profonda, che basti a render voi grazia per grazia, ma quei che vede e puote a ciò risponda.

O luce etterna! O luce etterna!


Through me the way into the city of suffering, through me the way into eternal pain! Here one must leave behind all hesitation; every cowardice must meet its death.

O Muses, O Apollo!

O good Apollo, for this final task, make me the vessel of your excellence as you deem me worthy to be crowned with bay.

O divine power, but lend to my high strain so much as will make clear even the shadow of that High Kingdom stamped upon my brain.

And you shall see me come to your dear grove to crown myself with those green leaves which you and my high theme shall make me worthy of.

O Apollo, for this final task every cowardice must meet its death!

That radiance and that new-heard melody fired me with such a yearning for their Cause as I had never heard before!

O Muses, O high genius, enter my breast and breathe your life!

Here one must leave behind all hesitation!

O senseless strivings of the mortal round, how worthless is that exercise of reason that makes you beat your wings into the ground!

You are uncertain, and would have me find open and level words in which to speak what I expressed too steeply for your mind.

Now, if my words have not seemed choked and blind, if you have listened to me and taken heed,
and if you will recall them to your mind, your wish will have been satisfied.

Every cowardice must meet its death!

I now see well: we cannot satisfy our mind unless it is enlightened by the truth beyond which no truth lies.

Light supreme, light eternal!

There is not depth enough within my love to offer you due thanks, but may the One who sees and can, answer for me above.

O eternal light! O eternal light!


I’ve already received much criticism and critique in the comments. Please, keep it coming. You have no idea how much I appreciate it. Thank you!!! (If any Italian listeners have advice about the lyrics, I’d love to hear it.)

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