Lec-19_Travel Demand Forecasting Trip Generation | Urban Transportation Planning | Civil Engineering

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#19TravelDemandForecasting #Fourstagesoftraveldemand #TripGeneration #Tripproduction #Tripattraction #UrbanTransportationPlanning #Urbanplanning #Transportationplanning #TransportPlanning #LJInstituteofengineeringandtechnology #ljiet #IshanTrivedi #GujaratTechnologicalUniversity #GTU #GATECivilEngineering #GPSCCivilEngineering

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Q.1 Travel demand is __________ demand.
A) Fundamental
B) Derived
C) Valuable
D) Short term

Q.2 Travel demands are made up of a number of different trip that have specific ______ characteristics.
A) Spatial
B) Temporal
C) Economic
D) Both A & B

Q.3 One-way movement from origin to destination is known as _______.
A) Trip
B) Round trip
C) Transportation
D) None of the above

Q.4 Home end of any home based trip is known as ________.
A) Generation
B) Attraction
C) Origin
D) Destination

Q.5 Non-home end of any home based trip is known as _______.
A) Generation
B) Attraction
C) Origin
D) Destination

Q.6 Home based trips represent approximately ______ of the total trips.
A) 90%
B) 50%
C) 20%
D) 60%

Q.7The analysis of transportation data and building models to describe the mathematical relationship that can discerned in the trip making behaviour is known as __________ .
A) Trip generation
B) Trip distribution
C) Modal split
D) Route assignment


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