CNN Panel Unloads on Rachel Dolezal: ‘Ultimate Exercise in White Privilege'

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CNN Panel Unloads on Rachel Dolezal: ‘Ultimate Exercise in White Privilege'

‘Ultimate Exercise in White Privilege': CNN Panel Piles on Rachel Dolezal
A CNN panel tonight on Rachel Dolezal really just unloaded on her completely unnecessary posing as a black woman when she still could have been involved in race issues as a white woman. Marc Lamont Hill in particular was incredibly puzzled by Dolezal’s actions, saying that no one really chooses to be black as an identity.
He told Anderson Cooper this is a “very dangerous practice of trying on someone’s identity” and even said what Dolezal did was the “ultimate exercise in white privilege to say ‘I’m gonna be black for a little while.'”
Michaela Angela Davis pointed out that this was also completely unnecessary, and said Dolezal could have easily “done all this good work as a white woman” and “she didn’t need to lie in order to do good race work.”

Hill added there are probably some mental health issues at play, but also thought it was “the height of arrogance” for a woman to lecture others about race and diversity and representation when she’s passing herself off as black.

2015 june video


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