【京都観光】京都駅から歩いて行く西本願寺 | Walking virtual tour from Kyoto station to Nishi Hongwanji temple

Описание к видео 【京都観光】京都駅から歩いて行く西本願寺 | Walking virtual tour from Kyoto station to Nishi Hongwanji temple

2024年1月 京都駅から西本願寺と関連スポットへ歩いて行く動画です。

0:00 京都駅を出発 Start from Kyoto Station
1:37 藪内燕庵・伝道院 Enan Tea house and Dendoin
3:31 西本願寺総門に到着 Arriving at Nishi Hongwanji
4:56 境内散策 Walking around the precinct
15:40 太鼓楼・唐門・龍谷大学 More must see archtectures


Walking virtual tour from Kyoto station to Nishi Hongwanji temple filmed in January 2024.
Nishi Hongwanji is listed in UNESCO world heritage.
Also the head temple and headquarter of the Jodo Shinshu Hongwanji-ha.
Please visit and admire the national treasure architectures at Nishi Hongwanji.

My maps https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/edi...


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