Living with chronic pain - Jack's Story

Описание к видео Living with chronic pain - Jack's Story

Imagine going for a routine operation on day to waking up with your chest feeling like it’s on fire, permanently, and indefinitely. Living with chronic pain - Jack’s story is a hard but essential story to tell. And not for the reasons you may think.

Jack is one of the most inspirational and strongest people I know. To live with allodynia, be unable to work, deal with the dark thoughts that this entails and STILL manage to be a positive force both for himself and, incredibly, for others too.

I usually talk about exercise and life and how to take positive steps for a better life. Although this may seem like a tangeant it’s not really. Jack can be a lesson for us all. In positivity, coping mechanisms and how to look at life for the better. He is an inspiration and I’m proud to call him my friend.


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