Covid-19 sub-variant JN.1: Why are all Covid variants detected in December? | Know all | Oneindia

Описание к видео Covid-19 sub-variant JN.1: Why are all Covid variants detected in December? | Know all | Oneindia

Covid-19 saw three big mutations in December of 2020: Alpha (B.1.1.7), Beta (B.1.351), and Gamma (P.1). A year later, in December 2021 the Omicron variant sent the world back into their homes just months after lockdowns began to ease. The next year, in December of 2022, while there was no emergence of a new major variant, we saw the rise of subvariants such as BA.2 and BA.5, all classified within the Omicron branch of the coronavirus. And now we have the JN.1 variant, which also belongs to the Omicron lineage. Now, the question arises: why December?

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