How to CARRY with a TERRIBLE Team Comp | Season 14 Climb to MASTERS | Kindred Jungle Guide

Описание к видео How to CARRY with a TERRIBLE Team Comp | Season 14 Climb to MASTERS | Kindred Jungle Guide

Back to the original editing style since y'all are split on whether I should post full games or not. Keep the feedback coming!

Want to learn more from me on how to climb out of iron, bronze, silver, gold, and platinum? Consider reaching out for League of Legends Coaching here (FIRST SESSION FREE):

Want to see more of me? Subscribe to this channel to watch me play Kindred, Khazix, Lillia, Gragas, Sejuani, Belveth, Viego, Fiddlesticks, and more!

--For the Algorithm :)--
How to carry as a jungler. How to carry in league of legends. How to carry in the jungle. How to carry bad teammates. How to to get carried in League of Legends. How to get carried in LoL. Viego guide. Viego clear guide. Viego jungle buide. How to play viego. Diamond Viego. Bel'Veth Guide. Bel'Veth clear guide. Bel'Veth build guide. Kindred clear guide. How to play kindred. Diamond Kindred. Masters Kindred. Kindred build guide. How to play jungle. Jungle guide. Jungle coaching. Kindred coaching. How to climb out of gold. How to climb out of silver. How to climb out of platinum. How to climb out of Emerald. How to climb out of Diamond. League of legends high elo. How to play from behind in League of Legends. How to win with trolling teammates.
Aatrox. Ahri. Akali. Akshan. Alistar. Amumu. Anivia. Annie. Aphelios. Ashe. Aurelion Sol. Azir. Bard. Bel'Veth. Blitzcrank. Brand. Braum. Briar. Caitlyn. Camille. Cassiopeia. Cho'Gath. Corki. Darius. Diana. Dr. Mundo. Draven. Ekko. Elise. Evelynn. Ezreal. Fiddlesticks. Fiora. Fizz. Galio. Gangplank. Garen. Gnar. Gragas. Graves. Gwen. Hecarim. Heimerdinger. Hwei. Illaoi. Irelia. Ivern. Janna. Jarvan IV. Jax. Jayce. Jhin. Jinx. K'Sante. Kai'Sa. Kalista. Karma. Karthus. Kassadin. Katarina. Kayle. Kayn. Kennen. Kha'Zix. Kindred. Kled. Kog'Maw. LeBlanc. Lee Sin. Leona. Lillia. Lissandra. Lucian. Lulu. Lux. Malphite. Malzahar. Maokai. Master Yi. Milio. Miss Fortune. Mordekaiser. Morgana. Nafiri. Nami. Nasus. Nautilus. Neeko. Nidalee. Nilah. Nocturne. Nunu. Olaf. Orianna. Ornn. Pantheon. Poppy. Pyke. Qiyana. Quinn. Rakan. Rammus. Rek'Sai. Rell. Renata Glasc. Renekton. Rengar. Riven. Rumble. Ryze. Samira. Sejuani. Senna. Seraphine. Sett. Shaco. Shen. Shyvana. Singed. Sion. Sivir. Skarner. Smolder. Sona. Soraka. Swain. Sylas. Syndra. Tahm Kench. Taliyah. Talon. Taric. Teemo. Thresh. Tristana. Trundle. Tryndamere. Twisted Fate. Twitch. Udyr. Urgot. Varus. Vayne. Veigar. Vel'Koz. Vex. Vi. Viego. Viktor. Vladimir. Volibear. Warwick. Wukong. Xayah. Xerath. Xin Zhao. Yasuo. Yone. Yorick. Yuumi. Zac. Zed. Zeri. Ziggs. Zilean. Zoe. Zyra.


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