Maco 300 Junky Junker all fixed up and dressed up on the bench before hitting the junkyard.

Описание к видео Maco 300 Junky Junker all fixed up and dressed up on the bench before hitting the junkyard.

Since I decided to keep my nice clean Maco 300 1x4 with M-2057 tubes, I went back to this Maco 300 junky junker I had laying around. This one looked rough, scratches, bends, light rust spots, broken tubes, need work, etc.
So first I went through it electronically. Bad HV caps replaced with a Nomad HV PCB and modern snap in caps went in first. Had a couple bad HV diodes so all the 1 amp diodes were replaced with 10A10 10-amp diodes. Bad solder joints redone, and bad air variable's replaced. Next I found the keying circuit was dead and since I bought a bunch of Nomad keying circuit PCB's, in went the Nomad keying circuit. Last but not least of course was the tubes. Since I had a good set of 6KN6 tubes which is a good sub for 6LF6 tubes, in went the 6KN6's. Now everything checked out and does what its supposed to do so we do a little cosmetic work. I'm not into sanding, de-rusting and making stuff look real pretty, so it got some spray paint and a Silver overlay across it's ugly face, and a fan cover, but not a fan, over the ugly hole on the top cover over the tubes.
Now, it's still not pretty, but it's not butt ugly either, but it is a redone solid workhorse. 6 good tubes, good caps, updated keying circuit, joints redone, it does what it is designed to do with no problems of hiccups. Among the sweep tube and 'CB' amps, the Maco 300 is considered one of the best. I personally agree with that too. IMHO, it and the Palomar 300a are solid as a rock if you run them right, but the Maco with 1 more tube and a little more umphhh just does a little more.
Does about 350 Bird and 500 Peak with a mud duck 3-watt radio going into it. That's what it was designed to do, they don't call it a Maco 300 for nothing. If I didn't have the super clean one with the M-2057's in it, I would hang onto this one tight.


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