Today's morning satsang with Paramahamsa Nithyananda is his first presentation from Madurai Adheenam, where he assumes his ecclesiastical seat as 293rd pontiff. Paramahamsa explains to us that Madurai Adheenam is the most ancient organization on Planet Earth, dating far back before recorded history. He will retrieve that unwritten history through his Akashic Readings, during which he downloads the cosmic truth of world events. Today he relates how the founders of the Adheenam (religious community) were Shiva and Devi Themselves in their first appearance in human form. Devi appeared as Meenakshi, who became the queen of Madurai, and Shiva took form as her husband Soma Sundareshwara. Paramahamsa clarifies that they were not incarnations, in which the human body inhabited by God is carried in an earthly womb. Rather they transformed themselves from higher formless realms into the semblance of human shape, by passing through fire which transforms all things. The spirit of Meenakshi descended from her divine space through the fire into what appeared to be a human child of three years. She did not assume human physiology, but maintained a human appearance throughout her life on Earth.
Madurai Aadhenam: Philosophy and history of Madurai Aadhenam
So, from today I will start the philosophy and history of Madurai Aadhenam. Please understand, this is world's most ancient Hindu organization; I can say religious organization, forget about Hindu organization: religious organization; I can say organization! See, organization started from religion, the idea of organization is originated from religion, the idea of religion is originated from Hinduism. So, if this is the world's most ancient Hindu organization, I can say this is the first organization on the planet earth. Please understand, this is world's oldest organization.
This organization has two history: One, prehistoric period, another one, recorded history. Recorded history, no doubts, no problem, the facts are there, I will present it as it is. I will read from the akashic records and give you all pre-historic informations also. I will give you all the pre-historic informations about the whole aadhenam and the whole tradition. I can say this will be the comprehensive history of Hindu religion; comprehensive history and philosophy of Hindu religion.
This organization is created directly by the first incarnation of Shiva, Sundareshwara and incarnation of Devi, Meenakshi. Please understand, even the word incarnation is not exactly right, because incarnation means you assume, super-consciousness assumes human body and comes out; but Sundareshwara and Meenakshi, did not live in any mother's womb, did not assume human body in a usual way, how we all have assumed human body. Meenakshi straight walked out of the Homagni, sacred fire as a three year old child, she did not stay in mother's womb and come out in a usual way; she just reduced her frequency from the akashic layer, the sky, the space, straight to the physical level. She used fire as a medium.
Please understand, there are five elements: earth, water, fire, air and space. The beings who are living in the 'space' are enlightened beings, jeevan muktas, the Divine beings. Beings who are living in this body: physical; 'earth' are human beings. Meenakshi did not assume the human body in a normal way, she used fire as a medium. Please understand, fire is a medium, if you put these two elements, the earth and water into fire, it will convert them into air and space; it's a medium, center. You can go from 'formless' to 'form' or 'form' to 'formless'. From form to formless you can move through fire. Anything with form, offered into fire will be made into formless. Same way, anything formless to assume form has to enter through the fire. That is why I have to use Arunachala: the fire. Fire is a prerequisite for formless to assume the form, for the formless to enter the form. Meenakshi, did the same thing, there was a huge sacred fire ceremony, Homa ceremony, which Meenakshi has used. She used that frequency and just entered from formless to form, assumed the human body of three year old child. Please understand, it's a very significant information: only at the age of three the 'Pratyaghatma chaitanya jagruta' is possible, your biomemory and brain is matured to feel the individual existence of consciousness, even in my case, when I assumed the body, means when I took birth, the body was matured equivalent to 3 year old child. My mother used to say, I was 10pound weight! Indian village kids; Indian village mothers can never imagine delivering 10 pound child, because usually Indian village mothers are malnourished, undernourished and I am not born in a rich family. I am born in a very middle class family and there was no special pregnancy care given to mother, nothing. The moment I was born, my mother my said, I was so huge, she felt as if I was inside for five years, because only in three years,
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