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다리의 작은 돌기를 문질러서 낸 소리로
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오늘은 소리로 기생하는 딱정벌레,
파우스수스 파비에리에 대한 이야기입니다.

#개미 #기생 #딱정벌레
[참고 자료]
- Andrea Di Giulio et al., (2012). "Behavior of Paussus favieri (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Paussini): A Myrmecophilous Beetle Associated with Pheidole pallidula (Hymenoptera, Formicidae)."

- Andrea Di Giulio et al., (2015). "The Pied Piper: A Parasitic Beetle’s Melodies Modulate Ant Behaviours."

- Joseph Parker., (2016). "Myrmecophily in beetles (Coleoptera): Evolutionary patterns and biological mechanisms."

- K. Sch€onrogge et al., (2016). "Acoustic communication within ant societies and its mimicry by mutualistic and socially parasitic myrmecophiles."

- James A. Robertson and Wendy Moore., (2016). "Phylogeny of Paussus L. (Carabidae: Paussinae): unravelling morphological convergence associated with myrmecophilous life histories."

- Luca Pietro Casacci et al., (2019). "Multimodal Signaling in Myrmecophilous Butterflies."

[사진 및 영상]
- 셔터스톡 외

(1)Old Circus - envato
(2)Apprehensive at best
(3)Majestic Dwele by Ofer Koren


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