The Prayer Practice Session 01: Talking to God

Описание к видео The Prayer Practice Session 01: Talking to God

When the disciples asked Jesus, “Teach us to pray” in Luke 11, Jesus gave them a pre-made prayer, or what some call a liturgy, to pray to God. In various seasons of our lives when we’re exhausted, tired, traveling, grieving, doubting, or distracted, liturgies can carry us through and guide our prayers. As we learn the pragmatics of prayer, we’ll begin habituating and fine-tuning a daily prayer rhythm.

The practice for this session is to create a daily prayer rhythm by deciding on a daily time and place to pray, and we pick out a pre-made prayer to talk to God.

This session is from a Practice made by Practicing the Way. All our resources are free, thanks to the generosity of The Circle and other givers.

This Practice is made to be run in community, in small groups or with your friends. To set up your group to use this resource, download or print the Companion Guide, and use other tools like the Rule of Life Builder or the Spiritual Health Reflection, get started here:


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