GHFS Quarterstaff Class March 2014 #3

Описание к видео GHFS Quarterstaff Class March 2014 #3

Free fencing by members the quarterstaff group of the GHFS, now with the GFFG instead.

Free fencing is characterized by not actually trying to hit the opponents with the strikes, but rather use them to provoke and force the opponent to react. This due to the extreme power of oak staves and associated dangers. Powered strikes are used against the opponent's staff. Also thrusting is done with normal power and speed.

Another important aspect of free fencing is that we allow ourselves to take more risks in order to learn what works and what doesn't. It is all about experimentation.

We strongly warn you against training like this unless you have several years of experience with staff fencing in this particular style, as the risks for neck injuries, broken ribs/collar bones and crushed fingers is simply too great.

Roger in all black. Jesper in thick gloves and black/white shoes.


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