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네펜데스, 끈끈이주걱, 파리지옥 같은 식충식물들은
어떤 과정을 거쳐서 진화하게 된 걸까요?

#식충식물 #파리지옥 #네펜데스
[참고 자료]
Aaron M. Ellison et al., (2009). "Energetics and the evolution of carnivorous plants—Darwin’s ‘most wonderful plants in the world’."
Thomas C. Gibson & Donald M. Waller., (2009). "Evolving Darwin’s ‘most wonderful’ plant: ecological steps to a snap-trap."
G. Heubl et al., (2006). "Molecular Phylogeny and Character Evolution of Carnivorous Plant Families in Caryophyllales – Revisited."
Traud Winkelmann et al., (2023). "Carnivory on demand: phosphorus deficiency induces glandular leaves in the African liana Triphyophyllum peltatum."
Kenji Fukushima et al., (2017). "Genome of the pitcher plant Cephalotus reveals genetic changes associated with carnivory."

[사진 및 영상]
셔터스톡, 게티이미지뱅크코리아 외

(1) Bunny Hop
(2) Put on your Dancing pants
(3) Lazy Moves
(4) Fantastico


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